Back & Neck Pain Treatment

While discomfort in the lower back and neck areas may begin as innocuous aches and pains, if the discomfort persists for more than three months, you might have contracted a case of chronic lower back and neck pain. This chronic condition may have been initiated by events such as falls or daily overuse of the muscles – leading to prolonged strain, imbalance, and even possible degeneration of your muscles.

As an ailment that commonly affects both men and women, the young and old, chronic lower back and neck pain can be considered a worldwide epidemic. With that being said, our fast-paced society here in Singapore is also not spared. While the contributing factors of the condition may differ for developing and developed countries, some of the more common factors include:


·      Pursuing active lifestyles

While exercise confers many benefits, the repetition of the same sport or exercises train and possibly aggravate certain muscle groups more than others, leading to muscular imbalance. If you have been using your neck, shoulder or core muscles often, the presence of muscular imbalance will lead to aching pain. Unfortunately, if the condition turns chronic, a nagging pain is often observed.

·      Chronic strain

Singapore’s work ethic is said to be a hardworking and honest one that has led to notable economic success. However, a culture of long working hours brings prolonged standing or crouching over a computer screen, inevitably leading to back and neck pains. Furthermore, with the looming COVID-19 pandemic that encourages the work-from-home arrangement, the ergonomics of this new working culture has contributed to the rise of these aches and pains. 

·      Accidents

Sudden movements, strains and falls will also impact the multitudinous ligaments of the back and neck. Apart from that, slipped discs and degenerative joints can also contribute to chronic lower back and neck pain.


Such pain is usually present as nagging, aching or sharp discomforts and may spread to the arms or legs if the nerves are affected. Hence, pinpointing one culprit as the source of pain may oversimplify things.

If you are experiencing persistent pain, it is best to seek pain consultation and undergo history taking with a thorough physical examination. This would be crucial in helping the doctor arrive at an accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment plan. In the process, the specialist might suggest imaging scans or other examinations (such as nerve conduction tests) to complement, confirm or exclude any other possible diagnoses.

Following this, treatment for chronic lower back and neck pain is typically divided into three key components, meant to be complementary and synergistic.



 In our Asian society, painkillers have been stigmatised as the possibility of addiction and over-reliance. While some believe that these drugs lose effectiveness over time, at The Anaesthesia And Pain Practice, we relate to these concerns and aim to provide an analgesic plan with pain medication that is safe and effective. After all, not all pain medication are painkillers.

Physical therapy

Ultimately, the mainstay of treating most muscle-related pains is physical therapy. Therapy ranges from active physiotherapy, which strengthens the weaker muscles, to more passive options such as sports massages and acupuncture. 


Our pain clinic provides minimally invasive and non-surgical interventions to relieve your back and neck pains. These options primarily involve positioning needles under X-ray or ultrasound guidance in an operating room setting. During these procedures, the needles provide access to the likely sources of pain, where medication or therapy may be applied. In some cases, a portion of the discs that cause back or neck pain may be removed to relieve the pressure.

Get in touch.

As much as possible, it’s best to give the muscle groups you regularly use a break. However, if the aches and pains experienced have been prolonged and persistent, it’s high time to visit our pain management clinic for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Here at The Anaesthesia and Pain Practice, we put our patient’s safety and comfort first – making it our responsibility that you receive quality treatment with a pleasant experience. Be sure to let us know your concerns, via our online inquiry form, and our passionate team of certified pain management physicians are here to journey with you for a speedy recovery.